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A Design Standard in WEBcnx can be automatically dimensioned using the same settings used by designers in Impact. The Standards Options are configured in Administration > Environment > Standards.

Standards Configuration

  • Add Overall Dimensions - Dimensions the horizontal and vertical extents of the design.
  • Add Panel Dimensions - Panel dimensions are built into the design of the Standard. This option controls whether those dimensions are added automatically or excluded from the finished design.
  • Settings - The Impact Dimension Master Tool Settings that determine the appearance of the dimension lines, style of arrow heads, font used, unit formatting (metric or imperial), etc. A member of your design team or an Arden engineer will help suggest a suitable setting.
  • Horizontal Text Position - Determines the horizontal position of the vertical dimensions; to the Left of the design (shown above), through the Centre or to the Right of the design.
  • Vertical Text Position - Determines the vertical position of the horizontal dimensions; to the Bottom of the design (shown above), through the Middle or to the Top of the design.
  • Delete Parametric Dimensions - The mechanism used to create a Design Standard is through Parametric Dimensions defined in Impact. Without these, the Design Standard can't be resized. Once the design is created, these are no longer needed. It is recommended to turn this option ON so that the Parametric Dimensions are deleted. Only turn this option off if instructed to do so by a member of the Arden support team.

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