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How to configure permissions for creating new addresses

Not all users will be able to create new addresses.  A Custom Action is therefore configured to give permission to members of user groups and user group types that need to be able to do this.  This is commonly administrators, customer service personal and sales people for instance.

Users who can add addresses will also be able to select and change the Primary Address of the customer, customer group, user or site.

Addresses cannot be deleted, they can only be archived.  Care should therefore be taken by any users with permission to add them


Addresses can be added to customers, customer groups, users and sites.  Providing the user can view these items, if they have the Custom Action to add an address, they will be able to add one.  following contexts, each having their own prerequisites:

  • Customers - Whilst the security privilege "Search customers" is not required, it makes the job of administering customers and their addresses significantly easier.  This is required in conjunction with adding a customer list to a dashboard widget area.  Without this, you would need to view a design or task for a given customer to be able to view their profile where you can then add an address
  • Customer Groups- As for customers above
  • Users - It is recommended that all users who will need to add an address to a user should have a user list on a dashboard widget.  If a user who needs to be able to add addresses to users doesn't have access to a dashboard containing a user list, they would need to find some content created by or assigned to the user for them to view their profile and add an address
  • Sites - Similar to users, it is recommended that all users who will need to add an address to a site should have a sites list on a dashboard widget


  1. If you do not have privileges to access the administration tools, please contact your administrator
  2. Go to Administration > Features > Custom Actions. This will list all of the existing Custom Actions. 
  3. Before adding a new Custom Action
    It's important when adding a new Custom Action to check that one doesn't already exist that accomplishes the same function.  If any existing Custom Action is not shared with the user group or user group type you want, add them to the existing Custom Action instead of duplicating it.
    Filter the Custom Action list by Type and check the Create type Custom Actions for a compatible match.

  4. If a suitable Create type Custom Action doesn't already exist, click Add to create a new one
    • Type: Select the Create type.  Note: this automatically changes the icon to the + style.  You can change this if desired
    • Name: This is the descriptive name that is displayed in the administrative tools only and is not displayed to the end user.  Make this clear to make step 3 above simple in the future
    • Display Text: This is the name that will appear to the end user and can be translated if required
    • Description: As with the name, it's important to add a detailed description to make administering WEBcnx easier in the future
    • Category: As the Create type is a system type of Custom Action, the category can not be changed
    • A suggested configuration is shown below.  This one Custom Action will allow members of the Administrators user group and all types of Customer Service Representatives to create new addresses for both customers and customer groups.  Sites and users have not been added in this example as it's only desirable for Administrators only to manage these

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