WEBcnx 2023.2 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

Your User Profile and Preferences

You can manage your user preferences for notifications, set your preferred language, units and time zone, update your user avatar and password and other settings from your user profile.

Your user profile

You can access your user profile by clicking your name in the top-right corner of WEBcnx.  You will need to be signed in to do this.  Your user profile includes 4 sections:

  1. The Action Bar at the top which will include your name on the left and any actions you can use, such as Edit your avatar and Change your password.
  2. The Summary Panel which includes your Personal Details and shows your current avatar.
  3. The Main Menu on the left side. This includes all of the categories of user preferences such as notifications and regional settings.
  4. The Main Content panel where you can update your preferences

Updating your personal details

You can update your initials, email address and job title in the summary panel at the top of your user profile. If any of the other details are incorrect, you will need to contact your administrator to make these changes for you.

Regional Preferences

Your regional preferences include your preferred language, units and time zone for using WEBcnx. Changing your time zone will automatically adjust any dates so that a task assigned to you by a user in Germany, to be completed at 5pm their time, will display a due time of 4pm in the UK.


The Documents page is only available to users with Document Management permissions.

Users are able to upload documents for the convenience of a central location to access frequently referenced material such as design specifications, etc. For more information on Documents, see Document Management.


The Templates page is only available to users with Task Management permissions.

Users are able to create their own Task Template to make filling in various Task Types quicker by saving their own default values for the fields on the forms.

User Groups

Users are able to view list of User Groups they belong to. From here, the user can 'star' any frequently used User Groups.


Any addresses stored for the given user can be viewed here. User Administrators are able to add and modify user addresses.

Out of Office

The Out of Office feature is only available to users with Task Management permissions.

When the Out of Office is enabled, the user is able to select a Secondary Contact that tasks normally assigned to themselves would be assigned to in their place. The note text is displayed to a user who is attempting to assign a task to a user who is Out of the Office.


The Subscriptions feature is only available to users with Task Management permissions.

Users can manage any existing Subscriptions they may have to customer, customer addresses or tasks.


The Notification feature is only available to users with Task Management or User Management permissions.

Users can set their Notification Preferences to be notified about all changes to Jobs and Tasks or fine tune their email preferences to suit them. Email notifications can also be completely turned off.


The Contributions feature is only available to users with Task Management permissions.

Contributions allow a user to control what interactions they have with Jobs and Tasks will define them as a contributor and therefore receive notifications about the progress of those Tasks. They can fine tune their preferences here.

Saved Searches

All Saved Searches that are created by a user or shared with them, are displayed here. This allows the user to hide and restore unwanted Saved Searches without deleting them. Hiding a saved search allows the user to simplify their lists of saved searches on their Dashboards, making it easier to access the ones they use the most.

Other Pages

You may see other pages listed in your User Profile. There are two reasons for this:

User Administrator Pages

User Administrators need to configure other elements of a User Profile, such as settings related to how you can use the software. Click here for more information on User Administration pages.

Custom Pages

Users are able to add Custom Pages to a number of dialogs in WEBcnx, including the User Profile. This adds an additional user context to Saved Searches; a saved design search of "All Designs", when added to a User Profile, can show all designs created or modified by the viewed user, for instance.

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