WEBcnx 2023.2 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

What's New WEBcnx 2017 R1


WEBcnx 2017 includes many new features spread across the product. The primary new feature area is with the new Directory but for full details of the new features, please see the list below. 

New Interactive Design Viewer

WEBcnx 2017 introduces a new interactive Design Viewer allowing the user to pan and zoom around the design, measure various design elements, toggle drawing palette visibility and display artwork. Hints about how to use each of the tools is displayed in the Viewer Footer.


The all new Directory in WEBcnx 2017 is the central hub for access to all people and places within the software. Allowing users to manage all aspects of customers; documents, templates, contacts, etc. as well as administer users and user groups. Additionally, the sites browser allows users to view information about the various manufacturing sites within the Enterprise, if a multi-site environment is configured.

My Customers, Users, User Groups and Sites

The former Customer Dashboard allowed you to drag and drop customers on to a "My Customers" widget. This process has been simplified and extended to include the other types of people and places on the Directory. "My" content allows you to pin frequently used items to drop-down lists to make it quicker and easier to select the items you use the most.

Other Enhancements


Quick Reports have been enhanced with the display of an optional report description above the chart image. This can be configured from the Report Edit page by adding a Description.


Support has been added for a number of additional languages. These translations are not yet fully complete. Please contact a member of the support team to discuss further.

  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Finnish
  • Hungarian 
  • Japanese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Swedish

Administration Features

Dynamic Lookups

Lookups across WEBcnx have been improved by allowing us to dynamically change the data set shown to the user within a look up based on criteria specified within the task.

We can currently dynamically filter lookup's on the following criteria:

  • Customer
  • Sites
  • Custom Fields within the Task

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