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Task Link Types

Where Tasks, typically in the same Job, relate to each other in some way, it's useful to create a Link between them so that other users understand the relationship between them. WEBcnx has two different types of links for this, Dependent Links and Reference Links.

Link Types

Dependent Links

When you can't start one Task before another is completed, we use a Dependent Link. For instance, you can't start work on an Artwork Request if a design hasn't been finished first. The Artwork Request therefore depends on the Design Request being completed. 

Rules that Apply to Dependent Links

  1. When using Dependent Links, WEBcnx will actively prevent a user starting work on a Task that depends on something else if that Task is not yet completed.
  2. It's not possible to create a Dependent Link to a Task that is already completed, as it can't depend on something that's already been done.
  3. Dependent Links can only be created between Tasks in the same job.

Reference Links

When two tasks specifically relate to each other, but there is no dependency, we use a Reference Link. A Lab Test requesting a Soak Test on the sample of corrugated board to determine the material can be done before, during or after the design is created, but it is the material for that specific design. The Lab Test just relates to the Design Request and therefore has a Reference Link.

There are no specific rules that apply to Reference Links; Reference Links can be created between Tasks in different Jobs and between Tasks of any status.

Task Link Creation/Edit

Task Links can either be created manually or automatically by an automated Task Workflow. Task Links can also be created when a new Task is published, i.e. between the new task and an existing task, or they can be created between two existing tasks.  WEBcnx also offers the ability to switch between Dependant and Reference task Link Types, remove an existing link, or even switch the order of dependency between two tasks in a dependant link chain.

Task Links and Value Mappings

The use of Task Links is often considered when a site's Value Mappings are configured. Value Mappings are responsible for copying data between tasks, and it's typically the creation of Task Links that are used to trigger value mappings to occur.  The Task Links then serve to offer a pathway for data to move between tasks. 

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