WEBcnx 2023.2 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

Selecting a Task to Add to a Job

There are two methods for a user to choose which Task to add to a Job that hasn't been completed:

  1. A user with sufficient privileges can select any available Task from a list to add to the viewed Job by clicking the "Add a Task" button on the Job's Action Bar.
  2. Specific task types have been shared by a Custom Action that allow the user to add a specific task by simply clicking the Action button.

Add a New Task to This Job

The Task selection dialog allows the user to either simply click the drop-down button and choose the Task Type they want to create from the list or start typing the name of the Task Type and the list will be immediately filtered to show only those matching the entered text. The user can also scroll with the mouse if there are many options available.

  • Ok - Will close the dialog and immediately create the selected Task Type in edit mode, ready to be filled in.
  • Cancel - Will close the dialog without creating a Task

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