WEBcnx 2023.2 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

Action Bar

The header for every dialog and Dashboard Widget in WEBcnx has a number of tools and features that can be used on the right of the header title. This is known as the 'Action Bar' in WEBcnx.

Available Actions

The available actions depend on the context of the content viewed. In the case of a list of Tasks on a Dashboard, the Action Bar will include Actions to view, edit and delete the content. These will be inactive unless some content is selected. If you don't have sufficient privileges to use an Action, such as deleting a Task, this will not appear at all.

On mobile devices or internet browsers displayed in a small window, you may find the actions have moved into an 'overflow' menu if there isn't enough room to display them. These can be accessed by the overflow Action

Action Button Types

There are three different types of Action button:

  • Single Click Button - These will typically include a tool-tip on hovering over the Action button, and you can activate the tool by a single click.
  • Drop-Down Button - Where there is more than one Action using the same icon, these are typically* grouped together in a drop-down menu.
  • Split Click Button - This is a combination of a Single-Click button and a Drop-Down button. There is a primary Action that is clickable, and other related Actions appear in the drop-down list. An example of one of these is the Edit Task icon, where clicking the button will edit the task and clicking the drop-down will reveal specific edit functions that can be applied to multiple selected items in the list.

Info: * Custom Actions using the same icon can optionally be forced to always display instead of grouping in a drop-down. It is recommended best practice to also display the text in this case.

System & Custom Actions

System Actions carry out specific core functionality in the given context; viewing, editing and deleting Tasks in a Task Widget, for instance. There are no options to configure for these and assuming the user has access to that feature area, they will have these System Actions.

Custom Actions are created by an Administrator to provide a specific level of custom functionality and allow finer control of who can use these features and where in the software they can do that. Running a Report Template or exporting the associated design from the Task dialog are examples of Custom Actions where the Administrator would want to control who can use these features and what file format the output should be in.

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