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Creating a Dashboard*

WEBcnx offers customisation of dashboard for user and user groups.  This can be used to display a number of combinations of data within the site.  Dashboards can be pre configured for users and shared with appropriate groups to allow a better user experience that can be tailored for their specific role

Dashboards can be altered by a site admin and can be found under the Environment section.

NOTE - There will be a number of system Dashboards that are standard with any WEBcnx solution these can be identified under the Owner column by the user "System" 

To create a new Dashboard simply hit the + icon located on the top action bar and you will be taken to the below screen.

Icon - You are able to select a number of icons for dashboards.  Information on this can be located here
Name - The name of your new dashboard
Display Name - The name of the dashboard which is displayed for the user
Description - Brief description of the dashboard
Owner - Overall owner of the dashboard
Layout - There are a number of layouts that can be selected for dashboards and this will control the number of widget areas that are available for the user.
Widgets - Once the appropriate layout has been selected you can then populate the widgets available with one of the following options.

Shares - Once the widget areas have been populated with the appropriate information the last step would be to share this the relevant users, user groups or user group types.

Once the dashboard has been shared with the relevant users if it possible to further control the visibility of the dashboards.

There are 3 options to select from

Block - This will prevent the dashboard from showing for the user
Share - The dashboard will be shared with the user but will not automatically display when the user logs in
Display - The dashboard will be shared with the user and will automatically be displayed when the user logs in.

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