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Search Constraints

The Search Constraints administration page allows you to configure the default maximum results returned by the following:

  • Maximum standards value mapping search results - If the name of the Standard passed into the Task > Standards Value Mapping returns more than 1 result but fewer results than this value, the user is prompted with a short list of those matching Standards. If more results are found than this specified number, the user is informed that there are too many results.
    Best Practice: Rather than allowing users to type in the name of the standard, it's much better to have a drop-down list of allowable standards. This choice then matches the standards 1 to 1.
  • Maximum number of recent searches - Any Saved Search using the filter "Recently viewed by" limits the results to the value defined here. The Recently Viewed searches would otherwise contain a full history of everything that had been viewed and this would soon prove meaningless. It would also continue to get slower over a longer period of time. For these reasons, we limit the number of items returned by the search.

Search Constraints can be configured from Administration > Configuration > Search.

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