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FLOOR Function

Applies from Version:WEBcnx 2024.1Applies to Version:


Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.


FLOOR(number, significance)

The FLOOR function has the following arguments:

  • number Required. The numeric value you want to round.
  • significance Required. The multiple to which you want to round.


A rounded number


  1. If either argument is nonnumeric, FLOOR returns an error.
  2. If number is positive and significance is negative, FLOOR returns an error.
  3. If the sign of number is positive, a value is rounded down and adjusted toward zero. If the sign of number is negative, a value is rounded down and adjusted away from zero. If number is an exact multiple of significance, no rounding occurs.


FLOOR(3.7, 2)Rounds 3.7 down to nearest multiple of 2.
FLOOR(-2.5, -2)Rounds -2.5 down to nearest multiple of -2.-2
FLOOR(2.5, -2)Returns an error, because 2.5 and -2 have different signs.Error
FLOOR(1.58, 0.1)Rounds 1.58 down to the nearest multiple of
FLOOR(0.234, 0.01)
Rounds 0.234 down to the nearest multiple of 0.01.

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