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Custom Field Properties

When Custom Fields are placed on a form, they have additional properties that can be defined to control how the user interacts with the Custom Field; including whether it's required to publish the task, how it's displayed on the form and whether it has a default value.

Primary Field Properties

Custom Field PropertyDescription
FieldThe selected Custom Field name followed by its field type.
DescriptionThe tool-tip message the user will see when they hover over a field, and for text, numeric and unit field types, this will display the placeholder text informing the user about what they should do.
Name in SearchIf the field is to be searchable, it requires a unique value per Item Type. It also allows an administrator to define an alias for the field, such as a shortened name, to make searching more concise.
IdentifierIf the field is to be used in a Workflow or an Expression, it will need an identifier that is unique to the Item Type. Fields that are not used for this purpose should not have an Identifier added for simplicity.

Appearance Field Properties

Custom Field PropertyDescription
RequiredFor when the user must enter a value before publishing a task. Without a value, the user will only be able to save the task as a Draft Task.
Read-OnlyPrevents users from editing the value in the Custom Field. Generally used for value mapping data into the field.
All Expressions are read-only to prevent users from editing the calculated value. 
VisibleControls whether the field is displayed on the form. Invisible fields can be used for archiving fields on a form or for value mapping hidden data in a workflow.
Column SpanThe form is divided into 6 columns. This option determines how many columns the field should span. The Group "Display Field Name" option determines whether the user can choose between all 6 columns or just columns 1, 3 or 5 if the entry field is displayed in the Field Row.
Row SpanDetermine how many rows the field should span. This option is only used for Image type Custom Fields

Formatting Field Properties

Custom Field PropertyDescription
Default ValueAllows a default value to be entered or selected when the form is created but allows the user to change this.
Default UnitsControls whether the user's preferred units will be used or whether the field should apply specific unit formatting. For example, if the default system weight is in grams, you may want to collect the product weight in kilograms. Deselecting the Default Units allows the administrator to define specific formatting that is not affected by user or regional preferences.
Range CheckingUnit fields (angle, distance, weight, etc.) and numeric fields (Integer & Real) allow the entered value to be checked to ensure it falls within the defined acceptable range.
ExpressionAllows a formula to determine the value of the Custom Field. Adding an Expression will make the field Read-Only
Display ModeControls the selection mode for the field, with options including; checkbox, dropdown list, horizontal radio group and vertical radio group.
For an Image Custom Field, controls the horizontal and vertical alignment of the image and its height in px
For a Separator Custom Field, controls what type of separator should be displayed, nothing, the text only, a horizontal line or a horizontal line with the text inside it.
SettingsDisplays a range of additional field specific settings or filters. See the individual Custom Fields for details of these.

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