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Custom Fields

Applies from Version:WEBcnx 2022.2*Applies to Version:

* The version supporting all Custom Field types.

Custom Fields are the entry fields that appear on Tasks and other Item Types, which allow users to enter data. There are many types of Custom Field that allow you to build forms to capture any type of information, from simple number and text entry to selecting customer addresses and selecting data in specific Impact Master Tool Settings. Each Custom Field has a number of properties to allow them to be fine-tuned to capture all the information you need to collect in a form.

Creating and Viewing Custom Fields

Administrators can create Custom Fields from the "Add" action on the Action Bar in; Administration > Features > Custom Fields. It's also possible to copy an existing Custom Field to create a variation of it. This is particularly useful for creating variations of advanced Custom Field types that include further levels of configuration, such as External Data Source Lookup fields.

The Custom Fields dialog lists all Custom Fields, their Description, Type and References (the number of times each Custom Field has been used in various Task Types). Users can search for text in the name and description, or filter the list of Custom Fields by their type.

Custom Field Types

Field TypeDescription
AddressA field to select a single address from a list of all addresses of the customer of the Task.
AngleA field to input a measurement in degrees.
AreaA field to enter a measurement of surface area in the users current or specified units.
BooleanA field that accepts only TRUE or FALSE values.
ChoiceA field that allows selection of a single option from a list.
CurrencyA field for entering a numeric value in a specified monetary unit.
CustomerA field for selecting a single customer from a list of all customers.
Customer ContactA field for selecting a single Customer Contact from a list of all Contacts.
DateA field for selecting or entering a calendar date.
DistanceA field to input a length measurement.
DocumentA field for uploading one or more documents.
External Data Source LookupA field that allows a selection of a single option from a list supplied by an external table of data.
ImageA field to allow the user to upload a graphics file to be displayed in the form.
Impact LookupA field that allows a selection of a single option from a list supplied by an Impact table of data.
Impact UserA field to select a single user of Impact.
IntegerA field that accepts whole numbers without decimals.
Master Tool SettingA field that allows a selection of an Impact Master Tool Setting of a specified type.
MemoA field for entering multiple lines of text or notes.
Multiple ChoiceA field that allows selection of multiple options from a list.
Project/Layer LookupA field that allows the user to enter a unique Impact Project or Layer reference and associate that design with the current Task.
RealA field for numbers that can include decimals.
SeparatorA special field that forces a space between Custom Fields in a form, with or without the name being displayed.
StringA field for entering a single line of text or alphanumeric characters.
TimeA field for inputting a specific time of day.
VolumeA field to enter a measurement of capacity.
WEBcnx UserA field to select a single user of WEBcnx.
WeightA field to input a measurement of mass.

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