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Choice Custom Field


The Choice Custom Field is used to select a single option from a predefined list. This is helpful for tasks that require selecting one option from multiple possibilities, such as specifying the print side of a packaging design, with options like 'None', 'Outside', 'Inside', or 'Double-sided.'

Configuration Options

The Choice Custom Field has the following Configuration Options.

  • Name - The name must be unique for its Type; you can't have two String type Custom Fields named "Further Information", but you can have a String and Memo field with that name, as they're of different types. The Name can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Description - Optional, but useful for administrators to understand what a Custom Field is used for to help differentiate it from other similar named Custom Fields. Particularly useful where those fields are advanced fields types containing further configuration options. The Description can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Choices - The Choices list allows you to define and manage the options available for a Choice Custom Field. The list of Choices can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the choices into the preferred order. There are various examples of how choices can be used in Workflows, Expressions and Value Mappings.
    There are action buttons for:
    • Add: Click this button to create a new choice. You will be prompted to enter the text, optional value, and description.
    • Add Line Break: Inserts a line break after the selected choice, causing any subsequent choices to start on a new line. This is especially useful for display types like the horizontal radio group, where a large number of options can be organised more clearly.
    • Edit: Select an existing choice from the table and click this button to modify its text, value, or description.
    • Delete/Archive: Click this button to remove the selected choice from the list. If the choice has never been selected, it will be permanently deleted. If it has been selected on one or more forms, it will be archived. Archived choices are shown greyed out with a strike-through.

    • Restore from Deleted: Select any archived choice and click to restore the choice so that users are able to see and use it again.

      Each row in the table represents an individual option that users can select when filling out the field.

    • Name: The label displayed to users. This is what they will see when choosing from the available options.
    • Value: (Optional) A hidden value that can be used in Expressions or Workflows when this option is selected by the user. If left blank, the system will use the Text label as the value.
    • Description: A brief explanation of the option, displayed as a tool-tip when users hover over the choice.


The references panel is displayed on all Custom Fields that have been used in one or more Task/Item Types. This allows you to see which Task Types the Custom Field has been used in, along with its Primary Properties. This information is helpful if you need to Delete a Custom Field.

Task Type Custom Field Properties

The Choice Custom Field has the following Primary, Appearance and Formatting Field Properties

Primary Field Properties

  • Field
  • Description
  • Name in Search
  • Identifier

Appearance Field Properties

  • Required
  • Read-Only
  • Visible
  • Column Span
  • Row Span

Formatting Field Properties

  • Default Value
  • Display Mode - A Choice can be displayed as any of the following options:
    • Dropdown List - Displays a dropdown with a system option of Please Select followed defined choices. If the field is required, users must choose a value other than Please Select. For optional fields, users can leave Please Select selected.
    • Horizontal Radio Group - Displays radio buttons arranged horizontally for Please Select and the other choices. If the field is required, users must select a choice other than Please Select.
    • Vertical Radio Group - Displays the same options as the horizontal radio group but with the radio buttons arranged vertically.

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeAdded To...Removed From...
Support added for archiving and restoring choices.2024.2

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