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Address Custom Field


The Address Custom Field is used to select a specific address of the customer of the Task, from their list of addresses defined in their Customer Profile. As such, it's not useful for use in Item Types as they have no customer to filter the addresses. The Address field is ideal for tasks that involve specifying different addresses for select areas of the form from the main address in the Task Attributes, such as specifying the delivery address for samples and a different delivery address for print proofs in a customer enquiry.

Configuration Options

The Address Custom Field is an advanced field type, as it has additional Configuration Options besides the Name and Description.

  • Name - The name must be unique for its Type; you can't have two String type Custom Fields named "Further Information", but you can have a String and Memo field with that name, as they're of different types. The Name can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Description - Optional, but useful for administrators to understand what a Custom Field is used for to help differentiate it from other similar named Custom Fields. Particularly useful where those fields are advanced fields types containing further configuration options. The Description can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Fields - Optional, but recommended. This allows you to choose the fields from the address to display to the user if the address name on its own isn't sufficient. The address fields can be selected or modified using the Modify action on the Action Bar.


The references panel is displayed on all Custom Fields that have been used in one or more Task/Item Types. This allows you to see which Task Types the Custom Field has been used in, along with its Primary Properties. This information is helpful if you need to Delete a Custom Field.

Task Type Custom Field Properties

The Address Custom Field has the following Primary, Appearance and Formatting Field Properties

Primary Field Properties

  • Field
  • Description
  • Name in Search
  • Identifier

Appearance Field Properties

  • Required
  • Read-Only
  • Visible
  • Column Span
  • Row Span

Formatting Field Properties

  • Owner Type - Choose whether the address will be linked to the task's Site (in multi-site/Enterprise environments) or Customer. Since both the site and customer can have multiple addresses, this setting ensures that the correct address is displayed based on who it belongs to, either the site where the task is being done or the customer the work is for.
  • Address Type - Lets you choose what kind of address to use, such as a delivery address, invoice address, or other types. This helps make sure the right address is used depending on what it’s for, like where samples should be delivered or where the quote should be sent.

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