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Integer Custom Field (Whole Number)


The Integer Custom Field is used to input a whole number without any decimal places. This is helpful for tasks that require specifying a quantity, such as indicating the number of samples needed or the estimated order quantity of a request for quotation.

Configuration Options

The Integer Custom Field has the following Configuration Options.

  • Name - The name must be unique for its Type; you can't have two String type Custom Fields named "Further Information", but you can have a String and Memo field with that name, as they're of different types. The Name can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Description - Optional, but useful for administrators to understand what a Custom Field is used for to help differentiate it from other similar named Custom Fields. Particularly useful where those fields are advanced fields types containing further configuration options. The Description can be translated into any of the Supported Languages by using the flag icon next to the field.
  • Display Thousand Separators - Determines whether numbers are displayed as 1000000 or 1,000,000. For many numeric fields, such as quantity fields, it's usually desirable to display with thousand separators. For reference numbers or data that may have specific integration criteria, you may need to turn the display of these off.


The references panel is displayed on all Custom Fields that have been used in one or more Task/Item Types. This allows you to see which Task Types the Custom Field has been used in, along with its Primary Properties. This information is helpful if you need to Delete a Custom Field.

Task Type Custom Field Properties

The Integer Custom Field has the following Primary, Appearance and Formatting Field Properties

Primary Field Properties

  • Field
  • Description
  • Name in Search
  • Identifier

Appearance Field Properties

  • Required
  • Read-Only
  • Visible
  • Column Span
  • Row Span

Formatting Field Properties

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeVersion
Support added for Thousand Separators.2023.1

Further Reading

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