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Enabling Licence Server for an Impact Client

Licence Server Options

The Licence Server options are available via several places:

  1. From the Impact Licence Activation window via the Licensing Options button.

    Note. The Impact Licence Activation window will only appear where 'Use Licence Server' is not already enabled - as per below.

  2. Via the Options button on the Connect dialog
  3.  Via the Options > Environment > Workstation > Options page.

To enable the Licence Server for the Impact client, simply check the Use Licence Server checkbox and enter a Licence Server Address and TCP/IP Port.

Use Licence Server

You can specify more than one Licence Server in the Server Address field by separating them using semicolons. Impact will then attempt to contact each server in turn until it finds a server. This means you can provide a backup Licence Server in case the first server has a is unreachable.

It's also possible to set Licence Server up via the registry. Pay attention to the UseLicenceServer (DWORD with a value of 1 (enabled), or 0 (disabled), LicenceServerAddress and LicenceServerPort keys.

See Available Licences for details on how to request licences to use.

See Terminal Services for information on configuring a terminal services Licence Server.

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