WEBcnx 2024.1 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

Standards Library Module

Maximise Efficiency by Automating Simple Designs and Reducing Design Workload

The WEBcnx Standards Library empowers estimators and managers to streamline the production of simple designs, reducing reliance on the design team for routine tasks. With full access to both predefined and custom standards, users can browse, create, and automate designs with ease, allowing your design team to focus on higher-value work.

Key Benefits:

  • Accessible to Everyone: Design standards are now accessible to your entire organisation, enabling non-design personnel to handle simple, standards-based projects without adding to the design workload.
  • Delegate Routine Tasks: Managers can assign the production of standard designs to non-design personnel, allowing designers to focus on more complex and value-added work.
  • Collaborative Design Input: Estimators can work directly with customers, browsing styles and entering size information to quickly generate designs without designer intervention.
  • Flexibility and Control: Enter simple sizes or leverage advanced variables for complete flexibility, ensuring the right design every time, even without a designer’s input.
  • Seamless Business System Integration: Fully compatible with all Impact board grades, which can be synchronised with your business system, improving efficiency and consistency across departments.
  • Increased Costing Accuracy: Estimators work from the same drawing data as designers, ensuring costing accuracy and eliminating discrepancies.

Related Modules

Automate Standards with WEBcnx Workflow Management

When integrated with the WEBcnx Task and Workflow Management Module, the Standards Library automates the production of selected designs based on simple material and size information. Estimators and order entry teams can generate designs without disrupting the design team, making the workflow faster and more efficient. By automating routine design tasks, your team can keep production moving while allowing designers to focus on more critical projects, improving overall productivity and design capacity.

Take Your Standard Designs to Production with the Layout Module

Maximise the potential of the Standards Library by adding the Layout Module. Once a new design is created using the Standards Library, the Layout Module allows users to generate manufacturing layouts that streamline the path to production. By handling layout creation, your team can take designs from concept to production without relying on designers for routine tasks, freeing them to focus on more complex, high-value projects.

Enhance Standards Review with the Design Annotation Module

When paired with the Design Annotation Module, the Standards Library allows for a seamless design approval process. If a standard design is created and passes approval, it moves directly to production without involving the design team. However, if changes are required, reviewers can mark up the design using the annotation tools, clearly indicating necessary modifications. These annotations are then sent to a designer, who will implement the changes before final approval, ensuring the design meets all specifications before production.

Module Dependencies

To utilise the Standards Library, customers must have the Design Library Module. The Design Library provides access to the design files and structure required to manage and create new standards. This ensures that all new designs produced by the Standards Library are centrally stored and available for viewing and approval workflows.

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