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LiveProof Module

Visualise Packaging Artwork in Real Time with LiveProof

The LiveProof Module enables graphic designers to seamlessly overlay packaging artwork onto a one-up design in real time. With simple drag-and-drop functionality, designers can see the artwork automatically positioned over the design from the Design Library and create temporary 3D views of the packaging, complete with artwork. This allows graphic designers to easily visualise the orientation of the artwork on different panels, a key advantage for more complex designs where the layout of flat panels in the final folded product may not be immediately obvious. As artwork is updated, designers can drag and drop new versions to quickly preview changes, making the entire proofing process faster and more intuitive.

Additionally, the LiveProof Module offers functionality beyond the design team. Any user, including customers with the appropriate privileges, can use LiveProof to visualise artwork documents on a design. This feature ensures artwork specifications are managed accurately, helping customers verify the correct version of artwork before placing re-orders.

Key Benefits

  • Real-Time Artwork Proofing: Designers can instantly overlay artwork on one-up designs and create temporary 3D visualisations to ensure artwork is properly oriented.
  • Simplified Workflow: With drag-and-drop functionality, artwork updates are immediately reflected, streamlining the process of applying changes and reducing the number of approval cycles by ensuring the artwork meets the suitability requirements of the structural packaging design.
  • Enhanced Visualisation for Complex Designs: Particularly useful for complex packaging, the module helps visualise how artwork will appear across various panels once folded.
  • Customer Access: With the right privileges, customers can visualise artwork on their designs, ensuring they are reviewing the correct version and can easily manage artwork specifications.
  • Pre-Reorder Artwork Verification: Customers can verify artwork versions before placing reorders, reducing errors and ensuring the correct design is used in production.

Related Modules

Improve Customer Experience with the Customer Portal

When combined with the Customer Portal Module, LiveProof allows customers to securely access their design resources, tasks, and documents. With tightly controlled access, customers can manage their artwork, view designs, and proof their packaging in real time, ensuring the right artwork is ready for production without delays or confusion.

Streamline Document Management with the Digital Asset Management Module

Pairing the Digital Asset Management Module with LiveProof further enhances the user experience by enabling access to all related artwork and other graphic resources. Customers and users can upload, download, and review document history, making it easy to manage artwork versions and specifications efficiently.

Module Dependencies

To use the LiveProof Module, the Design Library Module is required. For customer access, the Customer Portal Module is necessary to provide tightly controlled access to design resources and tasks. To visualise existing artwork documents, the Digital Asset Management Module is also required, allowing users to manage and review artwork versions and specifications.

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeVersion
New LiveProof module added2019.2

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