WEBcnx 2024.1 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements. Read more.

Customer Portal Module

Provide Secure Access to Designs and Resources with the Customer Portal

The Customer Portal Module offers customers secure, controlled access to their design resources, tasks, and documents through a dedicated portal. With this module, customers can view only the content you allow them to see, ensuring sensitive information is kept secure while providing the convenience of on-demand access to active specifications and streamlining the approval process.

Administrators have full control over what customers can view, with configuration options that prevent access to designs in progress, undergoing modification, or not yet ready for review. Customers can view a catalogue of active design specifications, eliminating the need for manually managed specification books.

For further flexibility, administrators can limit which drawing layers customers can view, such as manufacturing or 3D layers, allowing for precise control over content access. The customer experience is securely compartmentalised, ensuring customers can only view their own content. For larger customer groups, group-level contacts can access all relevant content across their various manufacturing sites, ensuring visibility of design and artwork specifications for the entire group.

Key Benefits

  • Secure, Customisable Access: Customers can securely log into their portal and view only the tasks, documents, and design resources you allow, maintaining full control over sensitive information.
  • Controlled Design Visibility: Prevent customers from seeing designs in progress or undergoing modifications by configuring which design statuses are visible to them.
  • Flexible Layer Access: Administrators can limit customer access to specific drawing layers, restricting them to viewing only the one-up design layers and not the manufacturing or 3D layers, ensuring greater control over what content is accessible.
  • Improved Specification Management: Provide customers with on-demand access to active design specifications, eliminating the need for manual specification books and improving efficiency.
  • Group-Level Access: For larger customer groups, contacts can view content across multiple manufacturing sites, ensuring comprehensive visibility of all design and artwork specifications.

Related Modules

Streamline Design Approvals with Task and Workflow Management

When combined with the Task and Workflow Management Module, the Customer Portal Module allows customers to log in and approve designs or request modifications directly within the system. This reduces the overall approval cycle time and minimises the need for sending physical samples, cutting down on costs and improving the speed of the design process. By automating the workflow, both customers and internal teams can stay aligned and keep projects moving forward efficiently.

Improve Design Feedback with the Design Annotation Module

Pairing the Design Annotation Module with the Customer Portal Module gives customers the ability to annotate designs directly. Customers can highlight specific changes or approve modifications without the need for samples. This further reduces approval cycle times and allows for real-time collaboration between the customer and design team, ensuring faster revisions and clearer communication.

Module Dependencies

To utilise the Customer Portal Module, customers must have the Customer Management Module, which allows administrators to create and manage customer data, such as addresses, contacts, and delivery preferences. In addition, customers will need either the Design Library Module or the Task and Workflow Management Module, depending on the desired functionality. The Design Library enables customers to view and access their design resources, while the Task and Workflow Management Module allows them to participate in task workflows such as approvals or modification requests. For the greatest benefit, both modules can be combined to offer full visibility and interaction with design processes.

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