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User Account & Logging In
How do I delete a Job?

A Job is the parent folder for all related tasks, documents, discussions & designs for a customers project. The user privilege to delete a Job therefore has the potential to delete ALL Jobs in the database.  The privileges are therefore tightly controlled to ensure a user doesn't unintentionally delete more than they were expecting.  A Job cannot be undeleted so you will permanently lose all data contained in that Job.

Note: Deleting a Job does NOT delete any Impact designs associated with the contents of that Job

If you already have the user privileges to delete a Job, you can do this in the same way you do for tasks.  If the delete action is inactive (greyed out) then you do not have the privileges.  You will need to contact your administrator to delete the Job or request permission to do this.

I've forgotten my WEBcnx password

If you are unable to remember your password, you can request a password reset from the login page.  After filling in the password recovery details, you will receive an automated response with a new password.

Instructions for requesting a WEBcnx password reset

Step 1: Click the "Forgot password?" link

  • This is located at the bottom of the sign in page

Step 2: Enter your details to request a password reset

  • You will be asked for your account details. If these match our database, you will be sent and email with details of how to proceed.
  • If you can't remember your user name or the email address associated with your account, please contact your administrator who will be able to help. 
  • If you don't know who your administrator may be, please create a ticket.